Our world is modernizing. And along with it the techniques with which we can upgrade ourselves are also changing. Remember when we used to write long letters to our loved ones?

At that time we had great writing skills because we were accustomed to that. We made fewer mistakes. But now we need tools like Grammarly to verify all the things.

In this article, we will learn about what is Intricate Text in Grammarly.

The technology that helps us so much and makes every tough task a cakewalk can also hinder our work. In this article, we will learn the intricate meaning of Grammarly and it hampers our writing process.

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Intricate Text

In simple words when someone writes his sentences too long. Or he is putting so much effort that is making the sentence more complicated.

Intricate Text

These texts become difficult to read by many sections of readers. That is the reason writing simple texts is suggested so that everyone can read and understand that text.

What is ‘intricate text’ in Grammarly?

As we already know, Grammarly helps writers to give their best. It suggests they frame better sentences. But when the sentences you frame are difficult or too long, it becomes unnecessarily complex to read them.

The highlighted lines by Grammarly show the same integrated text. It also recommends changing the sentence to make it short as well as crisp.

What does Grammarly mean exactly when it indicates “intricate text”?

The meaning of intricate is “complex” or “too long”. When someone writes sentences too long or there are so many errors or mistakes in that text. It becomes an intricate text by Grammarly.

What does Grammarly mean exactly when it indicates “intricate text”

What Grammarly do is, highlight that text so that the user can easily understand that there is something to rectify in that piece of writing. It can also suggest some sentences that you can put in place of the previous one.

Sometimes it may also happen that you want to keep the sentence you framed but Grammarly is still highlighting that text. In that case, it might become annoying and start thinking that is intricate text bad.

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Examples of Intricate Text

If you are framing short and simple sentences, then Grammarly will not interrupt you. But more than usual errors or extremely long sentences or repeated words can make the sentence intricate. 

1. Long, Complicated Sentences With Repeated Words

So let us now see the examples of some long and complicated sentences.

  • The main reason they do not get success, despite rigorous training and hard work, comes with concentrating on the result and not on the process.

 Here what we have seen is that the sentence is too long. To fix intricate text, Grammarly will suggest you either break this sentence or make a simple sentence. The main focus should be on making the sentence crisp and easy to read.

Here we can see that the sentence has various parts and we can easily split the sentence for easy understanding.

2. The word “They

In the above sentence “the main reason they do not”, here, Grammarly can interrupt you by saying that you are not clearly defining who they are.

While writing the sentence, one should make sure that you are relating each word with the sentence. So that there will be no confusion at all.

You can simply fix the sentence by relating the sentence with the word. Or simply alter the sentence by changing it.

3. The Word “this” or “that” at the Start of a Sentence

You now know intricate text meaning. One Should always remember that while framing the initial sentence of the paragraph, the words like THIS or THAT should be avoided. Many times you will not know why Grammarly is making the sentence intricate.

But you can definitely change the sentence. So the highlighted text will automatically be rectified as a normal one. All you have to focus on is the simplicity of the sentence you frame.

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How to Fix Intricate Text in Grammarly?

Fixing intricate text is not a big task. Anyone can fix it with a little knowledge of grammar and English. And making simple sentences is the easiest task of all. And we already know that Grammarly shows intricate text issues only when your sentences are too long. or the language that you are using is too complex to understand.

How to fix intricate text in Grammarly?

We all know that whatever we write has a reason. Either we are writing it for kids, adults, or different aged groups. So the sentences are also framed accordingly. But Grammarly does not know about the section of the age group you are writing for. Alerting you about your wrong, complex sentences is its work.

If you want to make your sentences lucid, and do not have any idea how you can do it, you can use the “Hemingway app”, an intricate text checker.

FAQs – Intricate Meaning in Grammarly

What is intricate text mean?

If someone is putting so much effort that is making the sentence more complicated. These texts become difficult to read for many sections of readers. All such texts are intricate texts.

What is intricate text examples?

Talking about an example than “The main reason they do not get success, despite rigorous training and hard work, comes with concentrating on the result and not in the process.” this can become example.

What is a monotonous sentence Grammarly?

Monotonous sentences basically mean that the sentence is boring to read. Grammarly can alert you that your sentence does not look good and can be modified. This helps you to beautify the sentences.

What is an intricate sentence?

When the sentences you frame are difficult or too long, it becomes unnecessarily complex to read them. The highlighted lines by Grammarly show the same integrated text. It also recommends changing the sentence to make it short as well as crisp.

What are unclear sentences in Grammarly?

When the sentence does not depict any meaning or it has so many repeated words or complex words. Grammarly will alert you that the sentences you are using are unclear and need modification.

It tells you that your content is suitable for which class of people. Along with it, you can easily edit your sentences as it alerts you for the most complex sentences with red highlights. And little complex sentences with orange highlights.


We hope that you now clearly understand what is an intricate sentence. Now you can easily fix those types of notifications by Grammarly. Intricate text in Grammarly is a kind of notification itself. One can modify one’s content with the help of these notifications. This eventually will make your content better than others. Just focus on using simple grammar as if you are writing your text that is suitable for all age groups.